Keep On Truckin' Like A Novocaine Hurricane

1. How are you feeling, Postwood?

I�m still feeling like crap. The fact that I didn�t exercise last night and we went out and ate at Casa Blanca, where everything on my plate was something that I was supposed to avoid on my Don�t Die Yet diet, didn�t help. However, it is a sunny day and, ooh, the sun feels good when I can manage to be out there. I might buy a cigar on the way home. Well, if I had more than a dollar on me.

2. Did you get your car out of the shop?

Yes, I did. And let me tell you, there are times when I get disgusted with the Kronos and think that I want a newer car. These thoughts usually happen when Aisai breaks a sun visor or a wheel falls off when I�m driving 65 mph. In fact, lately I�d gotten in a mood where I was just waiting to get rid of it. I had bad feelings toward it since it didn�t seem to drive all that nice. But then again, I was driving on a bad bearing.

I got that bearing fixed for $208.48 and now I remember why I like having a car with a horsepower to weight ratio of 0.054 and weighs only 2300 lbs. Plus, it�s shiny aquamarine.

Today, in fact, is a great day to drive the Kronos about and savor it�s new non-suckiness. Taking it in and getting that fixed, after driving with it going shuff shuff shuff for months, it�s like a new car. And sure, Aisai�s 626 has a similar hp/lb ratio, but it�s so stinkin� heavy.

In any case, blah blah blah.

I bet with whatever change I have in the car I can get an Indigo second or something from the cigar store.


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